Thursday, February 5, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix: Rapper?

Sidenote: How many times did he say like?

I couldn't help but feel a little shocked, as most people are, in hearing the regrettable news that Joaquin Phoenix is leaving the film industry to become a rapper. Yes, you read that correctly. A rapper.

The former Oscar nominated actor will finish his career with Gwyneth Paltrow in Two Lovers.

Despite rumours of his transition into music as being a hoax, he tells the Associated Press,

"There's no hoax. Might I be ridiculous? Might my career in music be laughable? Yeah, that's possible, but that's certainly not my intention."

Phoenix's debut performance on January 9, 2009 at Lavo, a Las Vegas nightclub, and the fact that Casey Affleck is filming a documentary on his transition into music, is leaving doubts in many people's minds,

"I'm not sure, to be honest. There were moments when I looked at him and I thought, 'I can't believe he's doing this,'" Mike Snedegar, head of entertainment marketing at Lavo, told "Then, there were moments he seemed to be very serious."

Only time will tell what becomes of this new music artist. I personally have my doubts on his ability to make it in the hip-hop industry. Growing a beard doesn't magically make you a rapper. I would however, like to be proven wrong by this now former movie star, and see him succeed. There is no harm in trying.

As Dead Prez once said: "If you feelin what I'm feelin then you hearin what I'm sayin, cause these fake fake records just keep on playin."


asm said...

It's hard to believe that Phoenix is an Oscar nominated actor with his limited speaking ability! Like uh

Lisa said...

Joaquin Pheonix to become a rapper?! I feel as though Hollywood is taking the “triple threat” anecdote a little TOO seriously. That’s like Lindsay Lohan going from acting to singing… it just doesn’t mesh!

That’s a shame to hear, though, that Pheonix is retiring from the movie industry. After seeing him in Walk the Line and We Own the Night, I was flabbergasted at how great of an actor he is. But rapping? Well all I can say is the best of luck to him… and I can’t wait to see if his rapping skills are up to par with his acting skills.

P.s. Was he on drugs in this clip? It seems that that’s a right of passage to enter the Hollywood business these days…

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